i used to be very expressive. whatever i feel, the world wide web knows every detail about it.
i got people who followed my old blogs, people i know personally. every time i wrote something, i have been asked to explain. i have to answer all who - what - when - where - how - why questions.
sometimes i would write about my reactions to a given scenario. or a funny line i read on a billboard. or an old silly song i remember from high school. not all are personal, just insights on an attempt to be funny. or slightly interesting.
and yet i have to explain. why such a reaction? what billboard exactly? who reminded the song?
at first it was fine, flattering even, to be asked about yourself all the time, until it became inconvenient, almost annoying.
it made me stop writing. it made me stop expressing. i hate having to explain myself all the time.
i have been driven to a point where i can't even talk. i start to create a reputation of being cold. i do not want to. but i am scared of being interrogated why i feel the way i do.
now i am fighting it. here i am, trying to write again, trying to feel again. but maybe, just maybe, its better to keep a blog for yourself, where only strangers can, if at all, get a glimpse of what's inside of you.
strangers don't demand explanations. they are indifferent. and at this point, i welcome indifference.
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